This amendment, if it passes…

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This amendment, if it passes, will be one of the greatest tragedies in the history of transportation in Ontario. It is a regressive measure that does nothing to combat traffic in the city of Toronto and is a blatant overreach from the province to the municipal level. Is the PC party not ostensibly the party of small government and fiscal responsibility? Why then, would the government want to concern itself with the municipal-level issue of bike lanes?

It has been proven time and time again that adding more lanes to a road does not ease up traffic, it worsens it. Bikes take up less space than cars, and moving large volumes of people on them will free up the road for automobiles that need to use it.

As a cyclist without driver's license, biking is my main mode of transportation around Toronto. While I am fortunate enough to be able to partially commute on a street like Bloor with a separated bike lane, there are many others in a similar position without this privilege, endangering their lives whenever they share a lane with cars. Six cyclists have died in the city of Toronto this year, which is six too many. If this bill passes, many more cyclists will die in accidents. Their loved ones will mourn, and cars will still be stuck in traffic. The blood will be on the Government of Ontario's hands.

Is this really what we want as a province?