As a resident of multiple…

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As a resident of multiple years in the region of Old Toronto, I oppose Bill 212 in it's current form as an obtuse overreach of provincial powers in municipal matters.

The policy concerning bike lanes not only flies in the face of evidence-based infrastructure for transport in dense communities (such as downtown Toronto), but is also fiscally irresponsible in the long-term, as it will directly increase the amount of car traffic, decrease pedestrian and cyclist safety in the downtown core, and reduce traffic to local businesses (the frequency of business visits for pedestrians and cyclists are both greater than that of motor vehicle users, as seen in ref. 1).

The cost to provincial taxpayers for the removal of current cycling infrastructure in downtown Toronto would be better used towards the building of promised and much-stalled public transport infrastructure instead.

The removal of environmental oversight for construction projects is another reason why any Ontario resident should be opposed to this bill, as well as how incredibly opaque the current administration is in providing recent, evidence-based sources for why anything proposed in this bill is a good idea (financially or otherwise).