Transportation professionals…

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Transportation professionals endeavour to provide safe and healthy mobility options for people of all ages and abilities, including pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and motorists.

As cities across Canada face growing challenges related to traffic congestion, collisions, air quality, and public health, investment in active transportation (AT) is an effective solution that can significantly improve safety and mobility while enhancing the quality of life for all residents. Specifically, well-designed and dedicated AT space within the public right-of-way, such as bicycle facilities, provides many benefits for individuals, communities, and beyond. In contrast, wider roads and higher-speed infrastructure prioritize vehicle use at the expense of pedestrian and cyclist safety and induce more personal vehicle traffic, exacerbating congestion.

Road safety is a fundamental priority in the planning, design, and operation of transportation infrastructure. Studies show that bicycle facilities reduce traffic collisions and fatalities by separating cyclists from motor vehicles, contributing to safer streets for all.

Well-designed AT infrastructure provides an affordable and accessible transportation option for people of all ages, abilities, incomes, and comfort levels, reducing reliance on personal vehicles in a manner that improves the inclusivity and equity of our transportation system. Providing AT infrastructure encourages a more physically active population, leading to improved public health outcomes such as reduced obesity, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses. Dedicated AT infrastructure also contributes to reduced emissions, improved urban air quality, and a more sustainable transportation network overall.

Based on these and additional factors, providing dedicated AT infrastructure has proven to be an effective evidence-based practice in cities around the world. Transportation professionals will continue to consider this type of infrastructure as a key tool in the provision of safer, more efficient, and equitable mobility options for all users. Transportation professionals recognize that retrofitting our communities with well-designed AT infrastructure, where possible and on the streets with the most benefit, will contribute to more livable, vibrant, and prosperous communities.