We will not solve the…

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We will not solve the congestion problem by building another highway. The strategy that " Just one more lane", or "one more highway" will resolve the problem has never worked. Fast-tracking it by bypassing environmental studies is an additional offence. Already more than a quarter of our GHG emissions come from road traffic, and this is increasing. We need to reverse this to meet Canada's climate change commitments.
In Toronto where I live, encouraging greater use of cars directly contradicts the city's Net Zero strategy, as well as its Vision Zero strategy for road safety.As a long time cyclist, and now a senior with asthma (due to pollution) and arthritis, I have invested in a pedal assist e-bike so I can easily continue to ride. The Danforth-Bloor cycle lanes are my highway through the city and I wholeheartedly welcome the city's plan to increase them. If you remove them, I will not be able to ride because the encounters I had with cars, doors and streetcar tracks which left me bruised when I was young and stronger might have much more serious consequences now. The separate bike lanes also make it safer for my young nephew, and other parents accompanying their children riding to school, daycare and other activities. Taking away these safe lanes will just force me and many others back into our cars, thus adding to congestion.
If you want to reduce congestion, here are some solutions: Expand bike lane network; eliminate parking on arterial roads, speed up building the Eglinton cross town and other city and commuter networks; make public transit more efficient, convenient and affordable to encourage people not to drive in the city. At the very least, leave the cities planners alone to do their job - stay in your lane.