When government MPPs are…

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When government MPPs are saying that Bill 66 does not circumvent protections for water and the greenbelt, they'd better not be lying. I could go into exactly how worried I am that the environment is secondary to "open for business". But I'm not sure if it's worth the effort because it's hard to trust this government, and here's why:

In at least two public consultations so far, the government has completely dismissed the feedback. In one instance they cited "bias" to dismiss fact that most people want the modern sex-education curriculum in our schools. In another, they just plain ignored the will of the people (e.g., at least 10:1 against the Cap and Trade repeal act with over 11000 comments, assuming the e-mails were similar to the online comments). In the latter instance, they only asked for feedback on the environmental registry because they were being sued for not following the law. Furthermore, they passed the proposed Act well before they posted their decision on the environmental registry. The response to comments didn't acknowledge that most people didn't want their legislation. What a farce. The government has proceeded to inundate the environmental registry, perhaps relying on the fact that if people know they won't be listened to, why would they comment in the first place?

Please do not continue to make a farce of the Environmental Bill of Rights Environmental registry. This is where the people of Ontario get to have a say on proposed policies, regulations, and legislation that are environmentally significant. You have done so already once, please do not do it again, for Bill 66 or any other proposal currently posted. The people of Ontario would like to trust their own government.