• Strategic Asset Management Policy: More clarity is required on the Strategic AM policy. A template would be beneficial to guide the drafting of the policy and to accommodate the long list of requirements. There are many policy versions out there and it is a little confusing on what should and/or should not be included in the policy (especially with the long list of requirements).
• Annual Progress Report: It would be great if the Province can provide a template for the annual progress update report so as to maintain consistency of the implementation process across all municipalities.
• Resources/Funding: The Town of Halton Hills will be relying heavily on additional resources (internal & external) to drive the AM Implementation Plan and meet the required timelines. Funding from grants from the different government levels is critical to bring in those resources. It is recommended for the Federal and Provincial governments to: 1. Have a quicker turn around on the funding application process so that grants can be secured in a timely manner; 2. Make enough funds available within the application process, rather than making it a competitive process. If application is not successful the Town will still need to implement by the deadlines and be in compliance.
[Original Comment ID: 210215]
Submitted February 13, 2018 12:08 PM
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Proposed municipal asset management planning regulation
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