The Endangered Species Act…

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The Endangered Species Act plays a pivotal role in this province in terms of protecting the environment, significant species and their habitat. Based on the discussion paper, it sounds as though the government would like to weaken the legislation instead of strengthening it. Ontario needs to develop in areas where development is ready occurring. We do not need to destroy the natural environment further. Development via intensification is something the Provincial Policy Statement under the Planning Act attempts to achieve. Having worked with Species at Risk, I think this legislation should only be strengthened. Humans need not destroy the natural environment further. If the PC Party truly cares about BOTH the environment and the economy, this act will be strengthened only. However, based on the rhetoric coming from this government, it seems like the PC Party does not care about climate change or the environment and instead seeks to line the pockets of developers and lobbyists. The thinking that the development of greenfield areas will result in jobs is false. Development via intensification in already built up areas will do the same thing, and won't involve the destruction of important habitat or Species at Risk. We should be aiming to preserve biodiversity, not destroy it further.