EBR- Registry # 013-2290 …

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EBR- Registry # 013-2290 Logic and common sense dictate that all proposed renewable energy projects throughout the province should be cancelled for a multitude of reasons. This forum does not permit suitable opportunity to outline my concerns. For the proposed project in the Municipality of La Nation I wish to address two specific areas. 1- Set-back distance of proposed wind turbines to County Roads: In allocating location of several proposed wind turbines, the proponent, Eastern Fields, has indicated a distance from 10.0 metres to 28metres from the blade tip to the road allowance. Specifically, on County Road 22, Turbines 2 and 7 will be 13.7m and 14.4m respectively, from the blade tip to the road allowance. Turbine 10, proposed on St. Isidore Road, is sited for 10.0metres from the road allowance. To approve location and construction of these turbines would be complete insanity. One must understand the enormous weight or load at the top of each tower. Each blade weighs 10 tons or more and the nacelle weighs as much as 60 tons....that means approximately 100 tons of rotating mass. A prominent engineer, Vern Martin, recently stated that “wind turbine structures are designed to the limit with no fallback”. In his opinion,” they are under-designed and overstressed.” Danger to local traffic, including school buses travelling on these County Roads, would be an understatement. 2- Noise emission safety standards: This Government has chosen to ignore the safety standards which they themselves implemented regarding noise emission from wind turbines. The Ministry has allowed, not only the proponent Eastern Fields, but all LRP 1 projects to proceed with plans and follow out-dated regulations defying safe noise limits. These examples are a blatant violation of the Government’s own mandate to protect its citizens and the environment. How can the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change justify approval of the proposed Eastern Fields project, as well as the remaining four LRP 1 projects in Ontario? How did it get to this state of affairs that the residents of rural Ontario have a greater understanding of the problems associated with wind turbines than the people whose salaries are paid by the taxpayers to protect us? We await some timely, responsible and diligent action to cancel all five LRP 1 projects.