What about the well-being and health of the people?! Eastern Fields has been allowed to follow the
past modeling measures used to establish the setback distance between an IWT and a noise receptor.
This is just unbelievable!. RES claims that it wants to be a responsible member of our community
and there again it does not respect our health and well-being. We know that it had all the time it
needed and all the space necessary to slightly readjust the siting of a few of its turbines
according to these new measures and still chose not to comply. Eastern Fields should not be
allowed to disregard these facts and be allowed to go ahead with this project. 550 metres is too
close and the noise level will harm us. During the winter months when the ground is frozen, the
sound will carry at a higher volume. In warm, humid weather, sound carries even further. How can
my family and my neighbours be able to sleep or enjoy being outside with the roaring of these
monstrous turbines?
Submitted May 16, 2019 2:08 PM
Comment on
Eastern Fields Wind Farm Limited Partnership - Renewable energy approval
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