I read an article where a wind turbine project built in Canada severely adversely affected the
water table in a town. This REALLY concerns me because as a cash crop farmer I am acutely aware of
our soil and it is leda clay which does not do well to carry heavy weights and when disturbed can
cause fines in water. We have built many projects on our farm from grain elevators, bunker silos to
buildings and we can never dig deep because you hit muck and water.
I have witnessed first hand neighbours large grain silos slant over a few years due to our soil
type reaction to heavy weight. It boggles my mind that area could even be considered for such a
project!! If with all the vibration our water table became disturbed and we lost clarity we could
nor even water our poultry or dairy business. It is one thing to buy water for a family home it is
a whole other world to supply a broiler barn that consumes up to 2800 gallons of water, water for
130 milking cows and over 10,000 layer chickens!! Who holds that bag when good drinking water can
not be available in our area?
Submitted May 16, 2019 2:38 PM
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Eastern Fields Wind Farm Limited Partnership - Renewable energy approval
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