As approved by Motion #056/18 on February 12, 2018 by the Council for the Corporation of the
Township of Tiny, the Township recommends to the MOECC that no decision on the Permit to Take Water
application be made until the following is completed:
• The current condition of nearby domestic wells should be established, including the well depth
and condition of the casing/screen, and the well yield and general water quality. The work should
be completed by the proponent using an independent qualified consultant.
• The monitoring network at the Teedon Pit should be expanded to include a staff gauge in the wash
pond, a nested well with screens completed at a variety of depths (to monitor change in gradients
during use of the wash pond), along with a number of wells completed in the aquifer(s) that are
used by domestic wells in the area. A professional geoscientist (or equivalent) should be present
during the drilling of the wells to describe the geology and select the intervals for monitoring
well completion.
In addition, the Township supports the concerns of the local residents regarding the negative
impacts associated with the water taking activities on the domestic potable water supply in the
[Original Comment ID: 212477]
Submitted May 17, 2019 11:00 AM
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CRH Canada Group Incorporated - Permit to take water
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