I am pleased to see this…


I am pleased to see this consultation with the public, and hope it will not be swept under the rug by corporations’ or other countries’ powers in directing our government officials.

It is useful that the province should have SOME MEANS OF INTERVENTION, for 2 reasons:
• PREVENT CORRUPT CONTRACTS: the leaders of cities/municipalities may sign contracts that are not in the public interest due to (a) corruption/payoffs and (b) ignorance. In such cases the public has no ability to remove the officials as in a provincial recall.
• PREVENT INACTION: public groups without data may be roused up on strictly emotional grounds with no concern for economic realities. Decisions must be in balance, but public consultation is crucial.

• The main concern is the LACK OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION clause. However, too much talk leads to no action. So LIMITED PUBLIC CONSULTATION would allow for all points to be expressed, noted on a list, comparing all substantiated data, and should make for better conclusions and prevent further public outrage and protest. This would prevent the same 2 issues of concern noted above for using MZO’s in the first place.
• LACK OF TRANSPARENCY: Closed, secret meetings should not be used to get MZO’s underway.
• UNDEMOCRATIC . To plow over the public in strong-arm tactics goes against our basic rights. This is not China.
Where there is clear local public opposition to an MZO, it should NOT be used.