While I agree with the need…

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While I agree with the need to adjust the "Climate Change Mitigation and Low-carbon Economy Act, 2016 " as there are a number of components in it that are counter productive, I believe it would be irresponsible as Ontarians and Canadians to not repair, rewrite or delete the parts that are not working and retain and enhance those parts that are contributing to our objective of reducing the speed and impact of climate change.

So with that in mind what I would ultimately like to see is:

1) A real climate change plan that will result in lowered emissions

2) Within the climate change plan a strategy for encouraging the growth of green energy.  Without such a strategy there will be no incentive for the brilliant minds within Ontario to develop new technologies that will allow us to compete in the changing global economy.  It is simply not possible to make time stand still.  We either innovate or we become irrelevant and our economy follows.

3) I believe that in order for our emissions to be reduced there must be a way for polluters to pay at least a  portion of the cost of what their pollution generates.  We know that pollution (and we are talking about fossil fuel pollution here) impacts our air, water, soil and climate so this isn't a revelation.  We also recognize that people make change based on economics (if it's cheaper to be Green they will choose Green).  We cannot bury our heads in the sand and pretend that it is cheaper to pollute than it is to go Green.  Conservatives have always claimed that people should pay their way and that hiding costs and subsidizing to buy votes is wrong.  Lets see our new Government live up to those ideals.  It is not possible to legitimately argue that cheaper fossil fuels will in anyway be better for the people of Ontario in anything but the short term.  In all other measures it is a road that will lead us to a steadily declining standard of living and will see the continued exodus of our brightest minds.

The repealing of the CCMLEA is not a trivial decision and will have significant consequences well beyond a few cents on a liter of fuel or the price of electricity.  The world is going Green (and I am not referring to politics), we either get on board or get left behind...it really is that simple.