As a former Community…

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As a former Community Planner and Economic Development Officer i have been monitoring and being involved in OPA/ZBA's, OMB appeals, LPAT appeals and OLT appeals from both the private and pubic section positions.
It seems to me from botha private and public perspective, to be too costly of a process and too time consuming to put a project through the approval gates. In an rising interest rate environment timing is critical. What i suggest is very simple.
Stage 1 Process: Project Concept and Key studies Review/ -Project Proponent submit not more than 5/6 key studies (Planning Rationale, Massing Study, Heritage Study, Functional Servicing Report & Phase 1 ESA to Ont. Regulation), Soils and Hydrology Studies
Municipality either approves Development Concept in Principal or approves Development Concept in Principal subject to further Conditions, or does not approve.
Stage 2 Process: To OLT, and all 39 + comprehensive studies required or submission back to city with all 39 + studies.
There is no point in completing a complete application with 39 studies if there is NO APPROVAL IN PRINCIIPAL from the local municipality. Municipalities have to stop abdicating their responsilibity and pushing approvals to a provincial tribunal to make a decision without a good reason. THIS PROCESS IS COSTING TAX PAYERS and DEVELOPERS TOO MUCH MONEY!!!! ADDITIONALLY.
IF JOBS ARE AT STAKE, municipalities need to label projects as FAST TRACK or NORMAL TRACK projects. we can't have projects which create for example 25 or more jobs going through a normal track process, they need to be given a higher priority. It will be easy to prioitize projects and get our province really moving fast. As of rightzoning with greater densities should also be the provincial planning order of the day. I see many municipalities with out outdated zoning by-laws. For example, They allow four floors but they have a 32 ft. height limit. As main floor commerical space standards now require a 12-18 ft ceilings typically, now you can only build 3 floors wihout having to go to the Committee of Adjustment to get the 4th floor. Seriously. this is ridiclous.