I live close to the site. …


I live close to the site. My husband and I have strong concerns for the environment around this area. There are wetlands very close to this site. I would like to know what is being done from this point forward to protect the wildlife and flora of this area. We often see moose deer frogs turtles etc. What will this proposed plan due to protect them and their habitat.

Will the current soil be protected from leeching which may happen as the contaminated soil is stored for processing and recycling?

Another concern my husband and I have is the amount of truck traffic using this road. The current infrastructure is in need of repair. Multiple tonnes of soil transported over our roads will destroy them. This is especially concerning in the swampy area closest to the site. Along with the infrastructure we are worried about children using the school bus on this road. We all know trucks take much longer to get stopped and if children are playing at their bus stop it is very possible a child could be killed or injured. And since the traffic will like begin at 5:30 a.m. and go steadily until 7:30 p.m. this is a valid concern.

My husband has experience hauling contaminated waste into other sites like this. He knows first hand the truck traffic will begin before the site is open in the morning. They will have to sit alongside the road waiting to get in causing noise vibration and air pollutants in the area. This will impede traffic as this road is narrow and has very little shoulder space due to the classification of the road and erosion caused by nature.

Residence also walk in this area. There are no sideways since this is a rural area.

We are also concerned for the impact this proposed site will have to our property value. We are a quiet community consider rural and to a point remote from the hustle and bustle of town life. We are afraid others looking for this lifestyle will be dissuaded from buying in this area due to increased noise and traffic. Not to mention the stigma attached to living near a contaminated waste recycling facility.

I have heard from neighbours there are current concerns of the blasting currently being carried out on the site. I.e. debris landing on their property. If this step of the process is being mishandled it sends a strong message indicating there is very little concern being given to the safety of residence. What will happen in the future to protect the residence from this type of poor management.

In closing I must comment on the methods being used to communicate with the residence of our community. We only recently learned of the reason for the current construction at this site and it was only through word of mouth. Much better communication must be implemented to ensure information is transparency for this process. Currently we feel there must be something to hide since the information coming forward has not been public knowledge. The majority of Ontario residents have no idea the process this type of proposal is put out to the public. With the easy access to social media there is no excuse for not announcing the intentions of the corporations responsible for such proposals.

Thank you.
A concerned citizen