Thank you for your time, I…


Thank you for your time,
I am a concerned resident of Gravenhurst who lives close to 1490 Winhara Road, Gravenhurst Ontario P1P 1R1 for the proposed site of a Contaminated Soil Transfer & Processing Facility.
As stated :
The daily maximum waste volumes for soils would be in three (3) phases:
phase 1 allowing 600 tonnes per day maximum
phase 2 allowing 1,200 tonnes per day maximum
phase 3 allowing 1,800 tonnes per day maximum

A regular Dump Truck holds 14 ton per load
Phase 1 = 42 dump trucks per day
Phase 2 = 85 dump trucks per day
Phase 3 = 128 dump trucks per day

Our concerns with contaminated soils being brought into our neighborhood from all over Ontario:

-Air Quality; particles in the air from transportation to and from and processing of contaminated soils for ‘Soil Washing’ which include but not limited to the remediation of:

-Ground; contaminating the land and surrounding areas
-Winhara Road in its entirety is NOT on municipal services, concerns over affecting natural well water
-The natural habitat for animals, there are bears, foxes, deer, moose, frogs, turtles and fish in the water laying areas on the property
-The natural swamp areas along the roadway that will inevitably be contaminated by transportation

-Watershed; As per the District of Muskoka Geo Hub the proposed site is within 1km of the South Branch Watershed to Lake Muskoka
-Watershed heads West from the Beaver Creek at Gravenhurst Parkway, through Winhara Road, to Muskoka Beach Road to Suttaby Bay and enters Lake Muskoka…

-Traffic on Regional Roads; Winhara Road is accessed at the North end by Highway 118 West, and the South end by Bethune Drive North, all regional roads, there are zero sidewalks for foot traffic and every dwelling has school bus pick up for children being taken to local schools

-Highway 11 through Highway 118 West to Winhara Road poses a huge concern, from that direction there is no left turning lane onto Winhara Road. This will back up traffic to the overpass, as Dump Trucks wait to turn left. Please note there have been fatalities on either side of this overpass due to inadequate road infrastructure to and from Highway 11

-Winhara Road itself was recently resurfaced after 15+ years of it needing to be fixed. The road heaves from the frost and crumbles constantly and will not be able to service 100+ Dump Trucks per day. It is also under ‘Half Loads’ every year from March 4 – May 4

-The proposed site is surrounded by residential homes & Business Use of Home properties, and Commercial properties on the North Bracebridge end of the road. All dwellings surrounding the proposal site are no further than 80 feet off the road. The required traffic load for the proposed site requires a turning lane on Winhara Road into the business site itself. Winhara Road is not wide enough to make any turning lane, with dwellings at the road

-Road & noise vibrations from heavy Dump Trucks, 100+ per day, could lead to foundation issues for dwellings on the road

-The Bethune Drive entrance to Winhara Road from Highway 11, is a 180 degree turn onto Winhara Road. It is not safe for trucks to make such a tight turn, and also traffic sitting parked to head West onto Bethune Drive from Winhara Road

-Property Values & Interference of Enjoyment of Land

-Properties values will decrease as a result of this site being built, who wants to live where there is constant transportation of and a site processing facility of anything contaminated? NO ONE

-The use of ones personal property for enjoyment; this is a quiet regional road, the proposed amount of traffic, and possible noise for 12 hours per day for 6 days a week is unfathomable, such a disgrace and not complementary to life in Muskoka

The Ministry of the Environment has been contacted, and the Barrie District Office for full disclosure report under the Freedom of Information Act, the Environmental Compliance Application is Pending and comments will end March 16, 2024

The District of Muskoka has been contacted regarding the Regional Roads impacted by this proposal, they suggested to contact the MTO The Ministry of Transportation

The Town of Gravenhurst has been contacted and express that a application has not been submitted to their office, no site plan, no environmental study, no traffic study

The Ministry of Transportation North East Region has been contacted