To be frank, this facility…


To be frank, this facility should not be allowed to even be considered to be this close to the people of Dresden and if an Environmental Assessment will prove this...Bring it on. York1's intended spot is only one 1km from us, our highschool and Molly's Creek, which is critical for many endangered species and the Sydenham River. Who is in right mind would ever believe this to be responsible in any sense, much less a good idea?

My home is extremely close to this proposed spot and I do not want my son to have to endure the constant noise of traffic, which our small town is not equipped for in the least. Our school buses depend on these roads, which will become bottlenecked with traffic for just one buisness, which is entirely unfair (and dangerous for the walking students who cross to our schools on foot/our crosswalks are unmanned). Our farmers need to be able to bring in their harvests come tomato/soy/corn seasons and our town has the upmost respect for their hauls, but this could become a dangerous situation for large trucks trying to get in and out of the area York1 is trying to establish upon.

Our sensitive waterwells will definitely be upset, if not entirely lost if they bulid upon this spot. There are no local pipes for these folks to be on town water and disturbing any sort of methane levels in them is reckless. If you've heard of the Wheatly Ontario explosion, well that isn't at all that far from us. We do not want any of this messed with and end up with another tragedy like Wheatly.

To go into more troubling detail, York1 keeps failing to note that the leachate they plan to generate cannot be treated locally. Our council has already stated the two places within our area are contracted to other operations/cannot take on this facility...Which means more trucks hauling leachate that could be a recipe for disaster if spilled in an accident (and again our roads are absolutely not suited for any of this). I won't even begin to list my concerns for our air/environment regarding they plan to process Asbestos contaminated materials... Because none of it should be anywhere within 1km of people/a critial waterbody like Molly's Creek/the Sydenham River!

The fact that they are using an extremely old, outdated wood lot/ash incenerator to justify any of this is beyond logic outside of skirting today's laws. They were being sneaky and using the fact we were forced into amalgamation and it lost to time until sold...Has enraged our good people. We love our environment, we love our neighbors and the peaceful lives we have here.

York1's plans will destroy our roads, most definitely harm/upset our wildlife (eagles have been seen here, softshell turtles/etc) and ultimately the recipie for a ghost town if they come here. Folks that cannot afford to move like myself, will be trapped to deal with the negatives and I do not want this for myself, my son and every other good citizen of Dresden.

I could go into many more concerns, but in the end an assessment has never been conducted and York1 was obviously trying not to have one done....So allow the Environmental Assessment to proceed in full, see that this is facility is terrible idea for our town and precious wildlife. No one should have to live 1km from a giant facility under the notion of "recycling" or not.

I pose the question to all...If you don't want it in your backyard...Why should it literally be right in ours?