It is extremely important to…


It is extremely important to have a comprehensive environmental assessment completed for the proposed landfill in Dresden. The location of this site is adjacent to Molly’s Creek and the Sydenham River, both sources of enjoyment/leisure for local communities. These waterways both flow into the St. Clair River where boating, kayaking, canoeing, tubing, swimming, snowmobiling and so much more takes place in or near the water year round. This landfill poses a dangerous threat with contaminated surface water runoff and leachate seeping into the ground and flowing directly into these water sources, along with 2 roadside ditches. This won’t only affect our livelihood, but our aquifers, and our wells. A completed assessment will be a document that can be sourced when warning and informing those in close proximity to the waterways and those that will no longer have potable water in their homes. There should not be an option to waive this environmental assessment, it is incredibly important not only for educational purposes, but to help our community in our opposition to this project.