Regarding Schedule 12, --I…


Regarding Schedule 12,

--I am in support of the removal of application fee refund requirements outlined in Schedule 12, Section 5(5).
--I am also in support of time limits on site plan approvals, and draft plan of subdivisions as outlined in Schedule 12, Sections 7(3) and 10(3).

However, I do not support other provisions in Schedule 12. Please consider removal of these provisions:

--Permitting appeals of OPA/ZBA applications that would alter a settlement area boundary as outlined in Schedule 12, Section 6.

--Removal of Third-Party Appeal Rights as described in Schedule 12, Section 3.

--Removal of Planning Authority from Regional Governments as outlined in Schedule 12, Section 1(5)

I have a few comments regarding the above provisions that I do not support as currently proposed:

1. Public participation in the creation and amendment of Official Plans and Zoning Bylaws serves the public interest and is a long-standing fundamental democratic right that needs to be upheld. Moreover, there has not been any evidence presented that removing the public’s right of appeal will expedite the construction of homes.

2. Proposed Provincial Planning Statement Policy 6.2 encourages coordination across municipal boundaries. Regional governments perform this very function, and it would be costly to replace all their knowledge and expertise. An alternative to removal of planning authority would be to grant delegated authority to all lower tier municipalities to render decisions on Official Plan Amendments and Zoning Bylaw Amendments.

3. I am also in support of the broader concerns about Schedule 12 raised by the Canadian Environmental Law Association regarding erosion of the democratic process (see link).