Bill 185 and changes to the…


Bill 185 and changes to the Provincial Planning Statement pose serious threats to Ontario's shrinking farmlands, wetlands, and wildlife habitat. More housing is needed but to be sustainable and address the needs of diverse population a significant portion must be affordable, with access to public transit options, and situated in a walkable neighbourhood.
Expanding settlement area boundaries in favour of urban sprawl, necessitates building of new infrastructure: roads and services for residents who must travel greater distances. The destruction of agricultural land and natural areas for housing and roads is irreversible.
It was established by the Ontario Housing Affordability Task Force Report (2022) that we do not need to sacrifice farmland and natural areas to address the housing crisis: "a shortage of land isn’t the cause of the problem."
The transfer of upper-tier regional gov't planning responsibilities to lower tier municipalities is also a bad idea. Without a regional perspective, how can a municipality proceeding with a new development ensure that the needs of the wider community are met? and that where possible, costly resources shared?
Who benefits?