Environmental Registry of…


Environmental Registry of Ontario
Proposed Planning Act, City of Toronto Act, 2006, and Municipal Act, 2001 Changes (Schedules 4, 9, and 12 of Bill 185-the Proposed Bill 185 Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024

Reduce Parking Minimums
This is a great idea. It should be extended to other areas, and not be exclusive to Major Transit Station Areas.

Use it or lose it
It is stated that 7 municipalities have 70, 000 approved units that have not proceeded in over 2 years. That works out to 10,000 in each municipality.
There are 444 municipalities. That indicates approximately 4,440,000 approved units that are stalled.
These units are in limbo for the same reason everything else is. The interest rates have increased ten times in a short period and have stalled their production. There have been educational development charges paid to the two school boards on these units of approximately $16 billion dollars. Please see attached invoice on an approved unit, that has not proceeded due to interest rate hikes.
The issue is the cost of financing.

The best move forward is to put forth a financing program through CMHC at reduced rates. The funding is already budgeted for by the Federal Government. Ontario can put forth a plan, for the federal funding to be used to fund these stalled homes. This costs Ontario and the Federal government nothing. It has already been budgeted for.
CMHC must put their financial benefits and reduced rates must be accessible to build these units that skyrocketing interest rates have derailed the construction of.
The province must not press reset on these approved units.
It was the Bank of Canada that moved the goal posts. Those that have approved units are not immune to ten interest rate hikes within a short period.
The Province can help to make sure these units are built. This is part of the solution to the housing shortage. These new home builds can be pushed over the finish line. This housing is part way there.

Third Party Appeals
Opposed to removing the public’s right to appeal.

Developer’s maintain their rights to appeal. This is a one-sided appeals process.

Fee Refund Provisions-
This is supported. This is a progressive change.

Municipal Pre-application process
Allowing an applicant to challenge complete application is sloppy. Applications must be complete for good decisions to be made.

Settlement Area Boundary Expansions
Opposed. This clearly serves the interest of developers.

Ministerial Zoning Orders
No further Ministerial Zoning Orders or granting powers must be granted.
MZO’s need to be reduced for use only in areas that are not organized municipalities, as they were originally intended.

Upper Tier Planning Responsibilities

Expedited Approval Process for Community Service Facility Projects
Opposed to regulation making authority to enable approvals pathway for schools, hospitals and long term care facilities.
None of these institutions are running smoothly. These institutions we already have must be funded.

Exempting Universities from the Planning Act.
Universities must not be exempt from the Planning Act. Colleges shouldn’t be either. Conestoga College had 30,000 international students and only a 520 bed residence. The college contributed to the housing crisis in Waterloo Region, by inviting students without any responsibility for where they will be housed.

Supporting documents