This proposal is meddling in…


This proposal is meddling in the jurisdiction of municipalities and is a huge waste of time for a Minister in the provincial government. Jurisdictional boundaries between the province and municipalities are responsive to the fact that the level of government closest to an issue will be best placed to manage that issue. The provincial government and the Minister tasked with reviewing bike lanes will have no specific knowledge about the local landscape that would inform any decision about bike lanes. Municipalities are best placed to make these decisions. This is an unnecessary level of bureaucracy that will waste resources and make it harder for municipalities to do their job.

Bike lanes are an important part of a city's infrastructure that make it possible for people to use different forms of transportation. Bike lanes make it more possible and safer for people without cars to commute to work and give people the option of using active transportation. Encouraging active transportation for all, and providing transportation options for lower income people who cannot afford vehicles is an important part of city planning.

There is no evidence that bike lanes are contributing to congestion or the ability of emergency vehicles to navigate the roads. The only impact of this decision will be to make roads more dangerous for vulnerable road users and increase the number of annual deaths and injuries for cyclists.