This Bill wholeheartedly…


The main focus of this Bill is the car, presented as the only means of viable transportation, one which should be prioritized. This is limited thinking that discounts the role of alternate modes of transport, including transit, bikes and other micromobility vehicles. Not everyone in Ontario can afford a car, why should those who cannot afford one be penalized by the "for the people" government. We cannot afford to move backwards. We need to build alternate modes of transport, including transit. I implore you to do away with this mindless Bill and focus on what Ontario needs to move ahead with our transportation network. Instead of building new highways and tunnels, reclaim Hwy. 407. Instead of ripping out bike lanes, invest in Toronto's subway system. Instead of blaming grid lock on bike lanes, look at driver behaviour and upgrade the traffic signal systems. Please do not pass this senseless Bill. It will move Ontario back years and traffic will be just as bad as it is now, due to the concept of induced demand. Please consider people's lives and place some importance on vulnerable road users. Premier Ford is a premier of all Ontarians, not just the ones that drive a car. Consider the impact of your actions and this Bill. If this comment lacks clarity - let me reiterate - I do not support Bill 212. It is misplaced and lacks vision.