As a Toronto resident, the…


As a Toronto resident, the existing bike lanes are essential to me, and I want to see them kept indefinitely -- and even expanded.

For example, my partner and I use the Bloor lane almost every day. Bloor is an essential pathway for cyclists. With protected lanes, it's the best East-West road to use -- and trust me, during commuting hours, it gets TONS of use. These are all people who could choose to be sitting in cars, clogging up the street, but instead choose to bike because there is a safe path to do so.

Removing lanes would only increase traffic by commencing yet another season of construction. Ultimately, it may also reduce biking accessibility and safety, forcing people to get back in cars and add to the traffic, slowing things down even further.

Bike accessibility matters across so many dimensions. More people on bikes enables:
- a better climate
- healthier more active communities
- more engagement with local businesses and more vibrant streets that people enjoy walking and engaging on.

Bikes are an essential part of Toronto's future and the city I want to live in.

Please help us build a healthy city, and keep the bike lanes.