To whom it may concern, Part…


To whom it may concern,

I urge you to keep the system we have in place. Municipalities are already spending tax dollars to ensure they are taking appropriate measures to create bike lanes and withold their creation, depending on the needs of their local community. If a community finds their local goverment is not applying bike lanes correctly, they can vote differently and make the change on that level. Adding the province's involvement means more red tape.

Bike lanes have their place and importance. They serve their community both in reducing the number of locals driving and in promoting healthy lifestyles, which reduces the burden on our already overburdened healthcare system. It also severely reduces the number of bike deaths and removes bikes from already busy car lanes (which slows down traffic).

Bike lanes also promote local businesses, as people are more likely to stop their bike to check out a store than they are to try and find someolace to park to do the same thing. I encourage you to look at the link I am adding to this submission, which goes to an analysis of bike lanes, and covers what I said in greater detail.

If you care for the people within your province, I respectfully urge you to make the right choice, and keep the provincial goverment out of the decision of bike lanes.

Thank you for your time.