Hello. My name is Kevin. I’m…


Hello. My name is Kevin. I’m from Alberta. My partner and I just finished a multi-modal, cross-Canada trip to the east coast. We arrived in Toronto on August 25th by VIA rail with our bikes. We spent most of the next week easily, quickly, and safely getting around downtown, except where Uber drivers, coffee crowd, delivery trucks, and police vehicles blocked the bike lanes.

The Blue Jays won the game we watched, the view from the tower was superb, and the many meals we ate were delicious. Toronto Island, without vehicles, is a national treasure.

We also toured other Ontario cities and rural area on the bikes. Beautiful province. But, like so much of Canada, it’s at risk of being strangled and choked (literally and financially) by too many roads, drivers, and private vehicles. No city on the planet has solved its transportation or financial issues with a focus on roads. This may be a popular bill with some drivers, but asking addicts if they prefer their favourite drug usually yields a predictable result … even if it’s going to kill them.