As an individual that…


As an individual that contributes to this city through municipal property taxes - one that lives and works in the city of Toronto - I am strongly opposed to this bill. In living in Toronto, bike lines have provided me with a safe and expeditious means to commute around the city. Bike lanes have also created havens around the city that promote local economic growth and make the city livable. It is a complete disservice and lack of all municipal regard to take away these bike lanes.

We should focus efforts on expanding the many provincial-led transit projects that have seemingly come to a halt. It will cost millions of tax payer dollars to take away these bike lanes for the benefit of those who do not live nor pay property tax in the City of Toronto.

Furthermore, should you want to alleviate congestion - I recommend removing parking lanes on arterial streets. Have drivers pay for parking on less busy side streets! Bikers - individuals who are exposed to the elements and external threats to their safety - should not have to suffer so out-of-city commuters gain a minute or two on their drive back to the suburbs.

If you want to encourage economic growth - make the city more like Montreal. Create streets where cars are forbidden and that encourage foot and bike traffic. These are the individuals who will spend money in your city - not those who are commuting for their 9-5 from Oakville.

Ultimately, bike lanes make our city more livable. They create neighbourhoods that encourage local traffic and provide individuals the safety they require to get around the city. As someone who also owns a car, I have never once considered bike lanes to be a hindrance to commute times. We are stuck in traffic because of the never ending construction approved in our city.

Save our bike lanes and keep municipal policy decisions municipal.