Honestly, I don’t even know…


Honestly, I don’t even know where to start. This legislation is so near-sighted, it prioritizes convenience over safety of vulnerable road users, encourages more emissions through more people driving, is not grounded in data, and is simply a tool for political points ahead of a likely election.

Why are we catering to a majority of giant cars with one person inside?

Why are vulnerable road users being targeted for the failings of this government to deliver on transit projects on time?

Why are vulnerable road users being targeted when the abundance of construction projects in the city should bare the blame?

The city council of Toronto should govern itself and should not have a corrupt premier meddling in its affairs.

Cyclists will not stop using arteries for travel, you are simply forcing cyclists to take the lane (which will slow traffic, but ensures their safety without a bike lane). It will also result in more cyclist fatalities, with blood on the hands of the provincial government. Literal blood. Let that sink in.

I use all of these routes during the work week (university, Yonge and Bloor) with my kid in tow. The thought have this commute becoming unsafe for us is keeping me up at night. We rely on this network. My three year old would rather not be forced to engage with traffic. Have some grace for the safety of others.

Removing bike lanes will have more folks turn back to cars as a way to get around, thus clogging up the streets anyways.

Use data. Trust the city. Think of the future. Put safety first. This is not complicated.

Stay in your lane, and let cyclists have their own to stay in.