This proposed bill is…


This proposed bill is absolutely ridiculous. The provincial government has absolutely no authority to dictate what municipalities do with their roads or bike lanes. This is a huge overstepping of the provincial government's jurisdiction. The Planning Act states that the Province's interest is to "the orderly development of safe and healthy communities", "the promotion of development that is designed to be sustainable, to support public transit and to be oriented to pedestrians", and "the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation to a changing climate".
Vehicle-only streets are a significant risk to the safety and health of communities both from an environmental health perspective (air pollution, noise pollution), as well as a road safety perspective - at least six cyclists and twelve pedestrians were killed by drivers in Toronto alone.
Road diets (Reducing the number of lanes to make more room for other road uses and pedestrian realm) greatly increase community safety and health, promote alternative means of transportation which REDUCES CAR TRAFFIC by having fewer people drive, and reduces noise and air pollution, positively contributing to reduction of GHG emissions.
The province should NOT be given the authority to dictate whether a municipality may add, remove, or replace car lanes in their own community. The municipality has the ability to decide based on its own community needs and impacts what course of action should be taken when implementing a cycling lane.