This is a horrible idea. The…


This is a horrible idea. The PC Government of Ontario is ignoring the data that many large metropolitan cities like Toronto have already produced that bike lanes do not cause grid lock. Removing bike lanes will actually entice more cars onto the roads, increase CO2 emissions, and simply kill more people in road accidents due to the lack of patience drivers will have from sharing a lane of traffic. Bike lanes are not causing grid lock. The excessive amount of cars being driven by one person are causing grid lock. Trying to turn left without a designated light causes grid lock. Blocking the box causes grid lock. The excessive 60,000 cars in Toronto that are being used for ride shares cause grid lock. Invest money into transit and that gets people out of their cars and onto subways and streetcars and reduces grid lock. Leave municipal concerns alone and get back to work getting the Finch and Eglinton LRTs opens and replacing the line 2 subways.