I do not support the…


I do not support the exemption from the Environmental Assessment Act for or related to Highway 413.

The area where the highway is intended to be built is environmentally sensitive land. Once paved over, that land is lost as a carbon sink, a natural habitat for native flora and fauna, and as a floodplain/natural flood control measure—forever.

This is yet another short-sighted policy that will result in disastrous outcomes for the environment.

In regards to bike lanes, installation of bike lanes also have the added advantage of making the entire streetscape safer to use for all mobility modes; cars, bikes, pedestrians, and all others. Their existence can save the lives of cyclists and many others.

Six cyclists have died on Toronto streets this year, and that is six too many; innocent lives lost because the victims were trying to get across town. Utterly senseless, with families shattered as a result.

I reject Bill 212 entirely.