Setting aside the massive,…


Setting aside the massive, undemocratic overreach by the province - as a driver, cyclist, and pedestrian in Toronto, the thing we need most for ALL of us is fewer cars on the road. We need it for the environment, for safety, and for general ease and quality of life in our city. On most streets in Toronto, cars have to creep by each other, edging bikes and pedestrians out, on streets that were never designed to have two lanes and street parking. It's dangerous for property and life. The only effective, long term way to make space on our streets is to offer alternative transportation infrastructure: BIKE LANES!! And safe, walkable sidewalks (which, incidentally, bike lanes help with, by providing a buffer between cars and pedestrians, especially when they are separated by solid dividers) and a functioning transit system, in which the province has completely failed us. Like Mayor Chow said, do your job, stay in your lane (and hands off ours).