The proposed legislation…


The proposed legislation restricting municipalities to make decisions within their domain is regressive, political overreach and idealogically driven with no basis in fact.

Numerous studies and evidentiary findings have show time and again the bike lanes (and the removal of lanes of traffic) are not major contributors to congestion globally, and within the context of toronto. Conversely, it has also been shown that the addition of lanes for vehicles does not have a substantive impact on congestion reduction.

Speaking specifically to the bike lanes mentioned by the Premier (Yonge, Bloor, and University) removal of those lanes would be a significant detriment to the businesses and safety to all road users. In my neighborhood (M4T postal code), Mt. Pleasant and Avenue Rd are dangerous to cross as a pedestrian, ride on as a cyclist, and for driving given limited to no adherance to speed limits, and little enforcement. Moreover, I and others purposefully avoid these streets to recreate on or go to businesses because of the speed and volume of traffic. Should the bike lane on bloor be removed, many patrons would cease to walk into these businesses. This is, again, data driven.

I recommend that the government focus on pressing concerns instead of flagrant overreach and identity politics.