I believe the jurisdiction…


I believe the jurisdiction of bike lanes should remain with municipalities. Because they naturally have a closer working relationship with the local community, that experience leads them to having a stronger hands-on knowledge and understanding of the needs of the local population. As well, they’ll know the local intricacies around what is more likely to be an effective solution in the area for tackling gridlock.

That aside, there doesn’t seem to be much evidence indicating that refusing to implement bike lanes would address gridlock. That would actually be a non-action with no changes, meaning there would be no improvements to the local road infrastructure at all. At the end of the day, the bikes and cars would still both be on the road having to negotiate sharing the same space.

As a driver, I find that having to constantly change lanes while accommodating the slower speeds of bikes both increases gridlock and makes the roads more dangerous for everyone. It’s a more complicated, accident prone and slower driving experience. The roads are chaotic.

When there are bike lanes, cars and bikes have their own space. It makes for a faster, safer and calmer commute because you don’t have to negotiate sharing space with cyclists.