I strongly oppose this…


I strongly oppose this change to prioritize car traffic over bike lanes for a number of reasons:

1. Studies have shown repeatedly that adding lanes to reduce girdlock only creates short-term improvements before it returns worse than before
2. Increased car traffic on city streets makes them worse places to be (loud, smelly, unsightly), which is particularly harmful to small businesses
3. Traffic is a local issue, and I don't believe the province should be able to restrict how municipalities can tackle local issues
4. Removing bike lanes forces cyclists onto the road (where they are at high risk of injury from cars) or the sidewalk (where they create a hazard for pedestrians)

Ultimately the only sustainable solution to gridlock is going to be removing cars from the road by giving people good alternatives to driving. This shortsighted policy change is only going to exacerbated the existing issues with gridlock and lead to an even less sustainable future.