This bill would make my…


This bill would make my commute longer and endanger me, my wife, and my three children.

We need more bike lanes, not fewer. Every day I see intersections with five or ten bikes lined up in half the space it takes to fit two cars. This is about geometry, and we're not going to eliminate traffic by pushing more people into cars. Transit and bike lanes make it easier to fit the millions of people who want to go into downtown Toronto every day into that small space.

Bike lanes are essential infrastructure, and demagogic attacks on them don't belong in government bills. The rhetoric around them coming from Ontario politicians has already driven a small subset of drivers into aggressive anti-bike behaviour on the road. It has made my life more dangerous. Passing this bill will up the temperature before an election that will import some of the polarization that has developed south of the border. This is irresponsible behaviour.

Passing this bill will kill Ontarians, and when that happens, the current Government will be responsible.