This proposal is significant…


This proposal is significant government overreach. Decades of consultations from residents, businesses, and road users have been studied extensively- Bloor St more than any other bike lane in the history of North America. Removing bike lanes and requiring provincial approval for new bike lanes will do nothing to solve traffic congestion and will put people’s lives in danger. Most drivers prefer separated space between drivers and cyclists. If you want to curb traffic congestion, expedite transit projects and ensure people have alternatives to driving so that those who have to drive have fewer cars in front of them on the road. There is countless data and evidence that shows how induced demand works. The criteria for removing bike lanes should be transparent and evidence based. Cycling numbers are much higher than the Minister is quoting in urban downtown areas. The Government needs to back down on this one or commuting is going to get worse for every mode of transportation, driving included. People will still bike, but they will take the lane and make it worse for drivers. And there will be deaths and serious injuries that this government will have to be accountable for.