It is idiotic to remove or…


It is idiotic to remove or prevent bike lanes against municipal wishes to alleviate car congestion.

— Bikes take up less room than cars.
— Bikes stop more often at stores & cafés on their route, helping small businesses.
— Bike lanes need fewer repairs than car lanes.
— The more people biking, the fewer cars causing congestion.
— Cycling is healthier, leading to less health care expenses, both for cyclists, and for those breathing less polluted air due to less motor traffic.
— Cycling is cheaper than driving, leading to more prosperous Ontarians.

Research has shown that adding bike lanes results in safer traffic and often less congestion. Adding more roads/lanes may lessen congestion for a year or two, but then it's back as bad as ever.

We need more people using transit and cycling and walking to reduce the number of car trips.