Bloor Street- Mississauga At…


Bloor Street- Mississauga

At last! Some common sense being applied by a government. The majority of residents of Wards 3 & 4 in Mississauga do not want 2 lanes of traffic removed from Bloor Street. An overwhelming majority of the residents directly impacted by the removal of the traffic lanes are opposed to the plan due to safety concerns. Despite the many, many objections to this silly idea, the Ward 3 councilor refuses to take the concerns of local residents seriously and had pushed this plan against their wishes. Aided and abetted by other councilors and the former major, who would will not be impacted directly by the proposed changes but feel they can roll over the local residents because of the ongoing war against vehicles.

Bravo Premier Ford for taking as stand against the woke ideology that pervades most levels of government these days.