The province is overstepping…


The province is overstepping. Why should the provincial government be allowed to police municipal infrastructure? Doug Ford lost the Toronto mayoral election and just because he has to drive down Bloor to get home doesn't mean that he should have a say in Torontonian affairs as Premier.

You are proposing removing the bike lanes when there is no evidence that they are the cause of congestion in this city. In fact, bike lanes reduce traffic and gridlock by taking people out of cars. They help to reduce carbon emissions from vehicles. They allow people to travel under their own power rather than having to depend on expensive and sometimes unreliable cars. Not to mention how important physical activity is to maintaining health.

There is also the cost to think of. The bike lanes have only just been completed. And to spend time and money ripping them out now is a waste and gross misuse of taxpayer money. My money.

I am an avid cyclist. I do not drive and I do not own a car. The TTC is a disaster and I started biking to work because of the Spadina streetcar shutdown. It turned my commute from 40 minutes to 13. Bike lanes are an important part of city life and should not be removed, they should be expanded. The true secret to improving traffic is to have a well funded transportation system which includes bike lanes. If you want to meddle in the city's affairs, why don't you fund the TTC? Imagine how many more people we could get off the streets if we had a robust transit system.

I won't even touch on cyclist safety and deaths. May that weigh heavily on your souls.

I love my city and I am disgusted by what you are trying to do to it.

If you remove the lanes, please know that I will continue riding my bike. And I will take the whole lane, since I am considered a vehicle under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act. I'm sure that help to improve traffic conditions in the city.