I strongly and vigorously…


I strongly and vigorously object to the proposal of requiring new bike lanes to have provincial approval.

Firstly, this is an exercise in undemocratic and authoritarian overreach. The regulation of roads in cities should be a municipal responsibility, not a provincial one. I pay for Toronto's roads with my municipal taxes. It should be up to those living in a given city to make these decisions. I do not drive a car. I do ride a bike. I do pay (considerable) property and income taxes. I pay for the roads. Why should I be a second-class citizen in my own city?

Secondly, removing bike lanes will result in more deaths and less safe roads. If you say we should move bike lanes on through roads like Yonge, Bloor, and University to side roads, you have probably never tried to bike in the city. In many cases, secondary roads are not direct - one must make frequent detours onto other streets. They also cross busy roads with no signals, presenting a safety problem.

Finally, there is absolutely NO evidence that bike lanes slow down car traffic. This "common sense" is nonsense. Indeed, most studies seem to indicate the contrary.

I am deeply sorry that Doug Ford does not like bike roads on Bloor St, but that does not give him the right to exercise dictatorial powers over the citizens of Toronto.