Dear Mr. Ford, Removing…


Dear Mr. Ford,

Removing bike lanes from these major streets is something I absolutely do not support. This policy is going to cost the lives of cyclists and make pedestrian access to these streets more dangerous as well.

With the ever increasing use of services like Uber Eats and DoorDash we're seeing more and more people relying on bikes to make a living. There are far too many businesses on Bloor and Yonge relying on these services, there's no way to reduce the number of cyclists on these streets. Removing the bike lanes they rely on will force them into the road with the cars, where they'll block traffic and be at significant risk of serious injury, or they'll move to the safer sidewalks putting pedestrians at risk of injury. Toronto needs bike lanes.

As someone who has lived in the Bloor/Yonge area since before the bike lanes were installed I have seen little to no impact to the traffic from the bike lanes. Adding them did not make traffic worse, the traffic on these streets has always been terrible. If you want to reduce traffic get cars off the road. Support bike lanes, support improving transit. This will become crucial as we continue to densify the city over the coming years. Catering to cars is not the way forward.

Do not remove these bike lanes. Do not block the construction of bike lanes. Leave city planning to the city planners and the residents.