Hi, I am posting this in…


Hi, I am posting this in overwhelming support of keeping the existing bikelanes along Bloor, university, and college. As someone who lives on Bloor Street I have directly seen the improvement that the bike lane installation has caused in my intersection of Bloor/Islington. There should also be an expansion of bikelanes within Toronto. Any other solution is an extremely bad decision from a government known to make such decisions. Bike lanes increase rider safety, without separate lanes cars kill pedestrians and bikers at a much higher rate. They increase the number of people going to business along the roads with bike lanes, they move more people than just roads.

If you actually wanted to make more lanes you wouldn't allow street parking on those roads. Bloor has street parking that takes up an entire lane. This seems like a vendetta project from the premier against the city who doesn't want him as their mayor.