I'm a resident of Toronto. I…


I'm a resident of Toronto. I mostly use transit to commute to work, cycle when I need to get around the core and drive when I'm going further distances. I do not support removing bike lanes, especially the University, Yonge st and Bloor st lanes!

I can't speak to Bloor West Village area, but I'm a regular user of the Danforth/Bloor bike lanes from Coxwell over to Christie. Those lanes are very heavily used, not just during typical commute times, but weekends as well. Without those lanes, I would not feel safe cycling along Bloor, which would lead me to use a car instead and would just delay other drivers that are unable to walk/cycle/transit.

Regarding Yonge and University, I will continue to cycle on these roads with or without bike lanes and I will be taking the whole lane, as is allowed under the HTA. I am not comfortable moving toward the curb to allow cars to pass because they try to squeeze by with much less than the required 1m clearance. This will slow down the entire right lane for all drivers.

When I am driving around the city, I appreciate having cyclists in a dedicated lane because I am less nervous at intersections that a cyclist may end up

If you want to stop bike lanes from being installed out in Parry Sound, Milton, or wherever, that's fine if that is what those areas want. Toronto, and particularly downtown Toronto, has seen big increases in cyclists (see the increases in Bike Share trips over the last 5 years). To keep traffic moving bike lanes will take drivers off the road for shorter trips, which will allow those making longer trips in the city to have a less congested drive.