I’m writing to oppose the…


I’m writing to oppose the proposed plan to restrict and remove bike lanes in Toronto. Removing bike lanes on major streets like Bloor, Yonge, and University is counterproductive and a misuse of taxpayer money. Not only is there no clear evidence that bike lanes cause gridlock, but they actually reduce traffic by giving people a safe alternative to driving.

This proposal also ignores the environmental benefits of cycling. Bike lanes support a greener city by cutting down emissions and improving air quality—critical goals as we combat climate change. Additionally, studies show that bike lanes make streets safer and promote better health by encouraging active transportation.

Removing existing bike infrastructure sets Ontario back on its sustainability goals and wastes money already invested in infrastructure we need. I urge you to keep and expand our bike lanes, not remove them. Finally, cities worldwide are investing in and expanding bike lanes as a future-forward approach to urban planning. Toronto has made considerable progress in establishing itself as a city that values active transportation and urban sustainability. Reversing these advancements would be a step backward for Ontario’s reputation and influence as a progressive region on the world stage.

Feel free to view this article by the CBC if you want more evidence, as well as one by TVO https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/bike-lanes-impacts-1.7358319