Bike lanes do not cause…


Bike lanes do not cause congestion, and they provide safer travel options for both drivers AND cyclists by reducing opportunities for crashes. Also the volume of cyclists has increased since installation of these major bike lanes, particularly on Bloor and University, which not only reduces car traffic by encouraging another alternative/safe commute option, but it also reduces congestion during rush hour on lines 1&2 of the TTC.

In addition to the congestion, the bike lanes have been shown to increase customers and overall business in the Bloor Street area (supporting document/report attached), and have therefore provided a massive benefit to local businesses in the area. Not only would removing the lanes reduce that positive growth, but the construction required to remove the lanes and turn them back into regular car lanes would cause much more congestion than we currently have. This needs to be considered and factored into whatever planning happens - removing the lanes WILL cause additional construction delays, at a time when many of our other streets are crumbling and require improvements, and the resources would be better used improving and maintaining our other roads; not ripping up something that works.

Removing these lanes is a terrible idea and use of public funds when so much work has already been done to install them. If a change needs to be made, we should be removing on-street parking on these major arterial roads, so that all traffic (whether pedestrian, vehicle, or bike) can continue moving in the space that is available. On street parking takes up the most space for the lowest benefit to the greater public and commuters who use the area.