This is terrible legislation…


This is terrible legislation for so many reasons: it wastes money, ignores ample evidence to the contrary, ultimately makes the problem worse, and will cause people to get hurt or killed. But that's what I've come to expect from this government.

Do you know how you ease congestion? Get more people OUT of cars and ONTO bikes and public transit. How do you get more people onto bikes? You give them a safe and direct route. All this does is further encourage car use which leads to, you guessed it, MORE CONGESTION. This is not an earnest attempt to ease congestion and improve conditions in the city. If you were really serious about that, you'd introduce tolls/congestion pricing to discourage frivolous car use and improve bike and public transit infrastructure. But no - this is a hacky ideological play to your suburban base who feels entitled to the city without getting out of their car.

People and small businesses will suffer. The problem will get worse. Taxpayer dollars will be wasted. A Doug Ford special.