there is no way you think…


there is no way you think this is a good use of taxpayer dollars. the side streets of toronto start and end on a dime, and it is inconvenient to go up to bloor, cycle to a side street, change when the street ends, repeat, and then go back up to bloor for another destinationia few blocks away.

not to mention that bike traffic accounts for 37% on bloor in the annex, according to bloor west village residents association's recent study, linked below.

ford is acting like bike lanes are the root cause of gridlock, and not the fact that there are too many cars on the road due to induced demand and not enough reliable transit routes in the city to take those cars off the road.

streetcars aren't good due to a number of reasons that can be fixed today (like streetcar signaling priority especially for exiting stations, replacing all single-point switches with double-point, and a mechanism for streetcar drivers to take a picture and fine those who drive through on king, among othern). plus there is no reason why the eglington lrt should cost this much. if you are tunneling for kilometres, just put in the subway that harris didn't fund in the 1990s.

also, if the reason for gridlock was bike lanes, why are the 400, 401, qew, dvp, and gardiner in a constant state of bumper-to-bumper standstill? last i checked they don't have bike lanes. and no, one more lane won't fix it. real transit with the taxpayer dollars that will be wasted from this inane, short-sighted plan would fix it.