The problem with gridlock is…


The problem with gridlock is not that cities do not have enough space for cars. The problem is that they're too many cars. Adding one more lane of car traffic will only induce more people to use the road and cause it to return to its previously congested state. Ontario is expected to grow by 41.7 percent by 2051. We simply cannot support all the new residence driving a car, especially in a busy city like Toronto. The only way we can tackle traffic in the GTHA is by creating viable alternatives to driving such as biking. The province must justify why everyone except people living in the most expensive part in the country can only choose to drive. The province must justify why the transportation mode that is the least efficient, most dangerous, and least sustainable should be most peoples only option. Preserving communities and cities power to create extensive bike networks that have wide bike lanes that allows people of all ages to use them and emergency service vehicles to take advantage of them is the key to get more cars off the road and reduce gridlock.