The future of all society is…


The future of all society is the removal of cars. Cars are inefficient modes of travel due their high cost, high space requirement, and low efficiency due to inherent design such as rolling resistance. The only way we will be able to transform human society into being carbon neutral is by prioritizing more carbon efficient modes of transportations in places where they make sense. The City of Toronto is the most obvious place where this applies. There is already such a high use of public transportation that it makes sense to further enhance its capabilities by implementing safe, interconnected bike lanes. If there existed a large interconnected bike network, I would personally much prefer that, in place of driving in a city as congested as Toronto. It is not feasible to expect cars to be the main form of transportation in Toronto, that is why there exists the TTC. This bill does not make any sense because instead of further supporting the TTC to reduce the amount of congestion, it instead aims to increase it by further prioritizing cars. By emphasizing car travel, people who would bike would instead choose to drive, this would increase the amount of traffic on the roads, while conversely emphasizing bike travel would then cause more drivers to start biking, provided that the bike lanes are of high enough quality.